What were the core elements of churches whether they were charismatic or noncharismatic, whether they were denominational and nondenominational, whether they were state run small, large or mega and they came back with about eight characteristics biblical characteristics that were common in all churches that were growing both qualitatively and quantitatively. It was an empirical study to find out what caused churches. They did it in every kind of church a sociological study.

They did it, and hundreds and hundreds of churches. There's been an empirical study done worldwide over six continents. It's a nice addition and what I want you to know is that it's a part of the core of God's meal for growing his church. We hope you've been learning a lot from the series and help others learn as you have taken minute after this message, ensure friend they can do that either through the chipping roadmap by sending them the free MP3 that you will find it Living on the Edge for spreading the word about how this teaching is impacting you okay here's Jeff for his message how to develop your spiritual gift for kingdom impact spiritual gifts you, knowing your spiritual gift you developing your spiritual gifts and then you using your spiritual gift is serious business to say that for a couple reasons but I think what is happened is we view in the church many times spiritual gifts is like a dessert bar you know the real meat and potatoes you walk with God you pray you will bag you do the best you can and then, yes, some people really know their gifts, but it's kind like dessert. Welcome to this Edition of Living on the Edge with your finger through the mission of these daily programs is to intentionally disciple Christians the Bible to the middle of our series your divine design to discover, develop, and deploy your spiritual gifts.

This gift can unlock freedom so that you can really embrace who you are, this gift can give you a sense of deep affirmation of God's own value of your life why you matter to him and then what if I told you today you can take huge steps toward discovering this gift. God has deposited in you, and amazing gift know what if I told you that this gift has the power to give direction and purpose to your life.