Method 1: Download and Update Neat Scanner Driver Automatically 3: Download and Update Neat Scanner Driver Manually.2: Update Neat Scanner Driver in Device Manager.1: Download and Update Neat Scanner Driver Automatically.While if the Neat scanner driver is listed under Imaging devices or Other devices, but your Neat scanner stops working on Windows 10, maybe you need to update the driver for the Neat scanner.

In Windows Device Manager, under Imaging devices or Unknown devices, if there is no Neat mobile scanner driver, NeatDesk driver, NeatConnect driver or NeatReceipts driver, it means that you haven’t yet installed Neat scanner driver, what you are supposed to do is downloading the Neat driver. How to Download and Update Neat Scanner Driver on Windows 10/11? On the other hand, depending on your case, downloading the Neat scanner driver for Mac is also available. Or after upgrading to Windows 10, you need to update the Neat drivers as well for Neat scanners for better performance. If not physically broken, Neat Receipts scanner or other models of Neat scanner error can be mostly caused by Neat scanner driver issues. Sometimes, once your neat scanner is not working on Windows 10/11, the first thing you should consider is whether the Neat scanner driver is incompatible or outdated or corrupted or not installed at all. How to Fix Neat Scanner Driver Install Failed on Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7 Neat Scanner Driver Overview: How to Download and Update Neat Scanner Driver on Windows 11/10