It is the fifth console game in the original Spyro series and the ninth game in the series overall. This is an unusual, imaginative and highly innovative way of raising funds in the public sector during a prolonged period of austerity. Spyro: A Hero's Tail is a platform game developed by Eurocom Entertainment Software and published by Vivendi Universal Games in November 2004 for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox. The long-term goals are so much wider and will provide funding for many individual projects to support and improve the lives of service animals. two spots on left shoulder, spot on left bip, belly, legs, and one - half of tail, white sire, Netherland Hero ( 2342 H. The short-term goal is to improve the living accommodation for the dogs at SWP’s Bridgend Dog Training Centre. Its aim is to raise money in order to improve the welfare of the highly trained and dedicated animals that do so much to protect and serve the public. This project is a collaboration between South Wales Police, Wood Green – The Animals Charity and Dogs Trust. Some will make you laugh, some may well make you cry, but all will provide you with an insight into the courage, humour, dedication and hard work that goes into the partnership between the police officers and their dogs. In praise of police dogs and their handlers, John Gaye writes over 90 stories based on true events, all taken from accounts by police officers.