We have listed the items below that you will need to have ready. The DMV website offers the ability to make an appointment online and provides a phone number as well so you can save some time. When you are ready to take the written test, there are some things you will need to bring with you to your local DMV office. If you have trouble remembering the signs and don't mind doing a little setup work, you can make traffic sign flashcards that you can use to help quiz you on the different signs that will be on the test.Take the practice test several times to make sure that you can answer the questions without any struggle.Pay attention to the shape and color of the signs. When riding in the car with your parents, practice identifying the different traffic signs you see around town.You can also test yourself by having someone ask the questions out loud while you write down the answers. Verbally answering questions helps you retain the information. Have someone help you by asking you various questions from the handbook.This will also help you get ready for the written test. If you are under 17½ years old, you are also required to complete a California driver's education course that is DMV-approved.

These pre-tests are available online and can help you identify any areas where you may need to do extra studying.

One way of making sure that you are ready is to take a practice test. Reading and studying this handbook for a week or two will get you ready for taking the written test. Every question that will be on the written test is in this handbook. One of the best resources for studying is the California Driver Handbook. You will need to score at least a 38 to pass. The questions are in multiple-choice format.

There are 46 questions on the test that cover information about California signs and traffic laws. Following the tips we have provided for you here should help you pass it the first time around. If you fail the knowledge test, you can take it again but you must wait seven full days before you can take it again. If you properly prepare for the written driver's test, it will not be difficult to pass with flying colors.